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Englische Bücher
English specialist books for detectorists and treasure hunters
Detector Finds 2 (inc. price guide) by Gordon Bailey
The second volume of finds, again with hundreds of illustrations, forms an additional invaluable aid to identifying finds. The contents include: Purse Frames, Pocket Sundials, Medieval Handles, Thimbles, Furniture Fittings, Sentimental Brooches, Baldrick Buckles, Watch Keys, Lead Weights, Cased Mirrors, Toy Cannons, Cuff Links, Nut Crackers, Petronels, Sword Belt Fitments, Scissors, Horse Pendants, Foot Pattens, Wine Labels, Barrel Locks and Keys, Palm Guards, Button Hooks, Dividers, Sword and Dagger Chapes, Brass Horse Bells, Jaws Harps, Hatpins, Lead "Bells", Spoons, Scabbard Fitments, Sheet Metal Bells, Miniature Domestic Utensils and Jettons
Identifying Roman Coins - Richard Reece & Simon James
Anyone who finds Roman coins, collects or studies them, will find this book an invaluable guide.??
Identifying Roman Coins is an easy to use, visual recognition guide to help identify Roman coins.
The authors' chronological presentation identifies major reverse types from the first to the late fourth century AD. Dr. Reece's text outlines interesting aspects of the coinage, the issues, mints, points to look out for, etc, together with a select bibliography which acts as guidance for those who wish to look deeper at the subject.
All the illustrations, which are line drawings for greater clarity and ease of recognition, have explanatory notes.
Hardback, 60 pages, black & white illustrations
Spink & Son Ltd (Dec. 2000)
ISBN 978-1902040400
Saxon and Viking Artefacts (inc. price guide) by Nigel Mills
This great book covers the period following on from Celtic & Roman Artefacts.
Together with "Celtic & Roman Artefacts" and "Medieval Artefacts" (also by Nigel Mills) - completes the historical series covering detector finds right from the Bronze Age to Tudor times. Illustrated in full colour and with over 250 superb photographs of individual objects, it encompasses the full spectrum of everyday items in use in Anglo-Saxon England in chronological sequence. The selection of illustrations has been built up over a period of 15 years from various collections.
The objects covered include: buckles, strap ends, pins, cruciform brooches, disc brooches, animal brooches, jewellery, beads, stirrup mounts, wrist clasps, dress hooks, keys, knives, tweezers, weights, gaming counters, and weapons. There is also a Norse mythology genealogical chart of the gods. Each item is individually valued in two states of preservation, Fine and Very Fine, and there are additional notes and advice for collectors.
The book is an invaluable reference work for metal detectorists, collectors, dealers, museums, and archaeologists.
Price guide for every item in two grades of condition.